Run Clubs are all the rage at the moment….and that’s because they haven’t heard of a RUKCLUB ... yet!
RUKClubs allow everyone to get a great workout just by adjusting the weight they carry. And guess what, you can talk, take in all the views and time in nature ... way better than a run club!
But we understand that rucking is so new that we need to build the community first ... so this is our plan.
If you have a RUKSAK or RUKVEST and have some friends that want to ruck with you but want to try it first. We will set a date to come down with a trailer full of samples so everyone can try rucking and see if it works for them. We will even promote the event in your area to grab any other ruckers keen to try it out.
After the event we have a bunch more people local to you sold on the benefits, grabbing themselves a rucksack that you can meet up regularly.
If that sounds good, leave your details below and we can get it set up.
Get your friends rucking
If you want to start your own RUKclub then consider becoming a RUKBUDDY. By doing so you can get your friends a discount on their own rucking gear and earn yourself store credits.